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Author in the Spotlight - Roxanne Donaldson - Samuels

TW: What is your writing process?
RDS: I start to write once I have an idea. I purchased an idea book.  Music helps to keep my focus as well.

TW: How difficult was it to write your story?
RDS: This was difficult in the sense that it was a true story that is based on my daughter’s experience in preschool. At such a young age, to have this experience. Bullying has no place or purpose in a daycare or any environment.

TW: What are your hopes for this project?
RDS: My hope is that parents can see the value of the story and utilize it as an educational tool for their children on learning to be kind to others as well as standing up for him/herself

TW: Do have plans for writing more books?
RDS: I hope to write another book once I can find an illustrator.

TW: What is your favorite genre of books and do you plan on venturing in those areas?
RDS: Fantasy, but really anything that interests me at the time. Not certain I would venture into fantasy; I hope to have some positive stores from my daughter to share.

TW: What do you want readers to know about you?
RDS: I’m a first-time author and mom. Who is about to graduate in a few weeks with my masters. I am nervous about venturing into authorship J but I am passionate about writing. I was voted best writer in high school, so I thought it was time to teat that theory out. I also do a lot of philanthropy work.

TW: Do you have a favorite author or book?
RDS: I love Harry Potter so J.K. Rowling. I was obsessed with reading all the books back then.

TW: What does literary success look like to you?
RDS: Families who share stories about how my book may have help their child who has experienced bullying. It would be nice to be a best seller but am practical.

TW: What is the most difficult part of your artistic process?
RDS: Finding time. I am a mom, a wife, a grad student, intern and holds a full-time job.

TW: How has this book changed your life?
RDS: It reminded me that my capabilities are greater than I thought. That if I change the way I think I could change my own life.

TW: What advice do you have for an aspiring writer?
RDS: Believe in your own capabilities. Your talent and courage are already within you.

TW: Do you have any future events or updates we should know about?
RDS: I recently completed my first book reading for a 1st-grade class and hope to continue doing so. The book was granted a Library of Congress code and I hope I can push it to where it will be in the library someday.

TW: How can we contact you and purchase your book?
RDS: The book is available on and My e-mail is my daughter has 2 social media pages. Instagram is Savannahs_readingcorner and Facebook is @Savannahreadingcorner


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