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Author's Spotlight - Gin Spaulding

Our next author in the spotlight is Gin Spaulding. Check out her interview below!

TW: What is your writing process?  
GS: My writing process is typical. Since I’m writing a series about sensory issues, I try to reflect on different happenings in our lives and which sensory issue(s) to focus on next. I often write notes or make a loose outline of details I’d like to include. I usually sit down to my computer or laptop with some music, allow my mind to remember past events, and then I type away!

TW: How difficult was it to write your story?
GS: So far, it hasn’t been too difficult to write my first or second books, as they were based on our lives with sensory issues.  I was able to laugh my way through the first two; however, book three will be difficult to write.  I’m planning to write it about Halloween! It will be about a HORRIBLE temper tantrum my child had at an “alternative to Halloween” party. During that time, people just stared and some gasped.  It was just terrible.  Honestly, I don’t want to relive that misery. I know that I must, in order to help others.

TW: What are your hopes for this project?
GS: I’d like for people to know/understand that EVERYONE has sensory issues: the tag in the back of a shirt, food that tastes weird in one’s mouth, not liking food to touch on a plate, the nails on the chalkboard, wearing socks, giving/receiving hugs, certain smells, etc. Some children are diagnosed with conditions such as Autism, Asperger’s, Hyperlexia, SPD, etc., especially when sensory issues are paired with other symptoms.  There are lots of people who have a sensory issue that seems odd. Children often have sensory issues that their parents don’t understand.  Many times, parents may think their children are just “bad” or “difficult”. However, they are NOT! I’d like people to know that their kids just need some additional TLC.  Sensory issues are real! Many times, parents may need to seek additional resources, like different types of therapy, counseling, and/or a formal evaluation done by a psychologist/psychiatrist.

TW: Do have plans of writing more books?
GS: YES! I plan to write a book about each of the seven sensory issues (touch, sound, taste, visual, hearing, proprioception- has to do with your body in space/movement/being unaware of one’s own strength, and vestibular-balance and movement. So I plan to have at least eight books…the introductory book and the seven about the different sensory issues.

TW: What is your favorite genre of books and do you plan on venturing in those areas?
GS: My favorite genres are probably biographies, mysteries, and adventure books!! I started writing a historical fiction book about 15-20 years ago based on my grandmother’s life. She was orphaned at a young age when she and her brother came home from playing outside to finding the whole family dead.  We don’t know to this day what happened to all of them! Her life was very sad and tragic until she met my grandfather…a true love story.  I will finish that book one day!

TW: What do you want readers to know about you?
GS: I’m an author, teacher, speaker, and mom who helps families and organizations gain understanding, learn tools of accommodation, and find true acceptance for children with sensory issues.  So, the child, family, and organization can excel aside from their differences.

TW: Do you have a favorite author or book?
GS: My favorite book is the bible.  I can always find inspiration and guidance by reading God’s word.

TW: What does literary success look like to you?
GS: Success for me would be this: having my books in all schools, libraries, book stores, homes, hospitals, and therapists’ offices. Children will see themselves in Li-Li (my daughter and the main character in my books), and they will find their voices. I’d also like for adults to learn how to better relate to their children after reading my books.

TW: What is the most difficult part of your artistic process?
GS: The most difficult part of my artistic process is finding the time to write AND discovering how to market my books.  I’m capable of creating amazing books, but if people don’t know about my books, how can they purchase them?

TW: How has this book changed your life?
GS: My books have changed my life! I am talking to even more people, researching/reading more, speaking in public, and I even spoke on the radio!!

TW: Do you have any future events or updates we should know about?

GS:  April 27th-  Local Author Book Fair Event hosted by CBD Wellness of Kentucky in Lexington, KY (10-4:00 PM)

April 28th – Bates Memorial Baptist Church-Author Showcase – 8:30 AM-1:30 PM
Louisville, KY
September 31st- My third book will be released…Title-to be determined

TW: How can we contact you and purchase your book?
GS: Please contact me!
Website: (if you purchase online, I will send the book to you, inscribed)
Facebook: Gin Spaulding
Twitter:  gustgin
Instagram:  gustgin9807


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